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Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of Prior Learning
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  • Recognition of Prior Learning
About RPL

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process that allows individuals to gain recognition for the knowledge, skills & experience they have acquired through formal and informal learning, work experience, and life experiences. It is a means of assessing & validating an individual's existing knowledge and skills against a particular qualification or standard.
RPL is particularly useful for people who have gained skills and knowledge through work or other experiences, but who do not have formal qualifications to show for it. It can help them to gain recognition for their skills and knowledge, and to improve their career prospects. 

RPL can also be used by employers to assess the skills and knowledge of their employees and to identify any gaps in their skills that need to be addressed. This can help to improve the skills of the workforce and to increase productivity.
Overall, RPL is a valuable tool for recognizing and valuing the skills and knowledge that individuals have gained through their experiences, and for helping them to achieve their career goals.
  • RPL stands for Recognition of Prior Learning, which is a process used to assess an individual's skills, knowledge, and experience gained outside of formal education and training, to determine whether they meet the requirements for a particular qualification or certification.
  • The RPL process involves a range of assessment methods that can include interviews, written or oral tests, practical demonstrations, and portfolio assessments. The aim of the RPL process is to enable individuals to gain formal recognition for their existing skills and knowledge, which can help them to advance their careers or pursue further education and training.
  • The RPL process typically involves the following steps:

The individual applies for RPL assessment, providing evidence of their prior learning & experience


The RPL assessor revieWs the application & determines whether the individualis eligible for RPL assessment


The RPL training shall be based on the skill requirements.

Training will be both (Theory & Practial)

Assessment & Certification

The RPL assessor reviews the evidence provided by the individualand assesses their skills, knowledge, & experience against the relevant qualification or certification requirements.

ASDC provide the certificate to sucessful candidates

Feedback & decision

ASDC gathers the Candidates, trainer and Assessor feedbacks regarding training and assessments process

  • Overall, the RPL process provides a valuable opportunity for individuals to gain formal recognition for their existing skills and knowledge, which can help them to achieve their career goals and aspirations.

The candidate should have minimum 1-2 years’ experience in their domain.


Minimum 18 to 50 years

Training hours

Minimum 12 to 120 hours

Year - Wise RPL Training Details
2017 - 2018 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Total
SUM of Enrolment 18112 8903 82372 60879 16074 11463 197803
Sum of Assessed 16146 8225 80114 56279 15150 10465 186379
Sum of Pass 14799 74900 74900 51678 14245 7266 170650
Industry - Partners
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